Kevin Morris is a CIASP alumnus and has published a novel. It includes the story of CIASP in the late 1960's
From the Publisher General Store Publish House
In Times Wanting
A novel by: Kevin Morris
After surviving near fatal troubles that a New World Order has brought to Mexico, Berrin and Eileen meet up in Ottawa after a decade long separation, both in search of a new beginning.
Their story draws upon a little-known history of youth and community engagement between Canada and Mexico. Ending his retreat into Canada's hinterlands, Berrin has found shelter in a co-op of community activists in Ottawa, his return also landing him in a job in the nearby craft market, distraction in an Artist-Run-Centre, and renewed contact with his family farm. And hope, which materializes with the re-appearance of Eileen in his life.
But the ideals and dreams that had initially taken him into international development return to plague him. As the story swings between Mexico and Canada, city and country, Berrin struggles to find his roots, transcend his ever-descending angst and nightmares, and create a new life with Eileen.
About the Author
Kevin Morris has drawn his inspiration for this story from his international development experiences in Mexico, his work in artist-run-centres across Canada, and his Irish roots in rural Canada-as well as from his varied careers as a potter, teacher, youth worker and community developer for youth centres across Canada. He has been previously published in The Antigonish Review.
Order Form for In Times Wanting
By: Kevin Morris
ISBN 978 1-77123-028-5
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