Subject: You are amazing !
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 00:23:13 -0400
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Hi fellow CIASPers,
What a great weekend we had ! What fun to see you all again ! The song, "Easy Come Easy Go " keeps playing in my head these past 2 days. = "Say hello and good bye and wish you all the best"
Thanks so much, Doug for the list and all those pictures which came to us so quickly. You sure captured the spirit of the event.
I must confess, before the weekend, I was debating about sharing a passion I`ve had for many years; to return a blessing in some practical way, to the rancho people of Mexico. I wasn`t sure if it was appropriate to mention it to a group who were coming specifically to reconnect with one another. It took a big leap of faith and I hope I didn`t offend anyone.
However, for those of you who left before my sharing , allow me to explain that I am on the board of "Come to the Waters Ministries", a charity recently set up primarily to help the poor and indigenous people of Mexico. Armida, a Mexican lady who lives here in Lindsay and who goes to Mexico each winter with her husband, is the president of this charity This past winter she was asked by the people of a rancho ,Tamarindo, where she was visiting, to help finance a multipurpose building for a school,community centre and church. This small rancho is in the state of Oaxaca, south of Hidalgo and the building will service 2 adjacent ranchos as well. This new charity had no money for the project so I thought of CIASP and wondered if any one else might be feeling the same desire to give back a portion to those who gave so much to us. This Rancho Tamarindo, could represent all our ranchos and it`s at the same poverty level ours was 40 years ago !
Well, I offered the opportunity on Saturday night and 3 gave me filled envelopes .I went to bed that night asking the Lord to bless and provide if He wanted this project to succeed. I thought it was perhaps unfair of me to expect people to give on the spot with no prior warning The next morning a few more gave me their envelopes.Others promised to mail in their donatuion .
Today, Armida and another member counted the donations from the weekend event and told me that
CIASPers gave $1,050 !!! That`s enough to buy the land and even a few bricks !!!
I was shocked and overjoyed. at the generosity of 8 people.Your spirit of compassion as well as a desire to return the blessing is SO encouraging. That`s over 10,000 pesos !!
The organization in Mexico we are working with is made up of representatives from 5 different Christian churches and call themselves "llamados Para Servir" = " Called to Serve". They will oversee the project and make sure the money is spent only for land purchase and building materials. One of these leaders is driving to St. Catherine`s , On for a wedding in early July, so I may have the opportunity to meet him in Toronto or Lindsay. If so, I`d like to give him a cheque from CIASP with an explanation of who we are .If enough money comes in I`ll ask if we can dedicate the school with the CIASP-CIPE name and logo. Will keep you posted.
If any of you who didn`t take an envelope would still like to donate, you can make your cheque payable to:
All donations above $10 will be receipted and 100 % of money collected will go toward this project. We have waived any administrative fees.
Please mail your donation by July 4th if possible so it can be given to our Mexican jefe while he`s here.
The CIASP spirit is alive and well !
Look forward to keeping in touch.
Warmest regards and abundant blessings,
Hijo de la Guerra
[image: Hijo de la guerra]Hijo de la guerra by Ricardo Raphael
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The book is in Spanish.
Writing about narco Mexico presents many ch...
5 years ago
More information about this organization is available at the following link
Some interesting insight into groups like "come to the waters" was described in a POV documentary called the Tailenders. This documentary is described at the following link.
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